
1 Şubat 2022

Hybrid Warfare

The current style of warfare can be described under the heading Full

Information Warfare

15 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
During the Ukraine crisis, there was an intense information war. Here the issue of provocation came to the fore. As great powers, the USA and Russia systematically used the media for their own benefit. In fact, let's examine this systematic by looking at the topics and methods we know, but with updated concepts and methods. Because, no matter where it rains, if every individual is a media organ in our age, provocation should also be on his agenda.

The War for Hegemony

4 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
I will explain to you the form of war or struggle for supremacy of our age and the terms used here as a whole, with the example of Ukraine. It is an article that should be noted from an academic point of view. It sheds light on understanding what is happening globally as a whole. If such a point of view is taken, a healthy assessment can be made about what will happen in the future. Because right now, many people act with the mindset of the First and Second World Wars. However, the Fourth Industrial Revolution happened, everything, even the hegemonic perspectives changed, the rivals of the Cold War were the USSR and the USA, then we had the Unipolar World period, and on top of that, today China has upset all the balances. As a matter of fact, NATO 2030 was published, the USA announced its 2040 vision… The Arctic region was opened to trade, cyber-space was opened to all kinds of uses… In this tactic, is the main problem for today's dominant powers Ukraine or Syria? What is the practice of polarizations now with a global perspective that is appropriate for our age? Let me explain.

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