Character of Contemporary Wars

7 Mayıs 2022

Globalization is maturing in its natural course and related lifestyles. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has happened, but it should not be too late to evaluate the corrosive feature of this revolution that triggered radical changes. At such a critical stage, a very obvious question stands before us: What is the template for winning the war in the post-revolutionary global order?

In today’s world, we are witnessing how a war takes place. In addition to the global developments and change that came with the Information Age, the Digital Revolution and the Fourth Industrial Revolution that followed, wars and anti-war also force its own change; Naturally, there are many points to keep up with.

It did not go unnoticed that the fiery war front was confined to the territory of Ukraine, and that the sanctions against Russia included global and very detailed tracking methods. If such a war has not been built from the beginning, it is very difficult to maintain in random steps over time to guarantee victory. What provides this is the opportunities that come with the Revolution.

Let me explain in more detail. In military terms; exploitability of weapon systems based on their technical characteristics; the ability to examine in detail what is happening on the front; It is possible to make moves that change the situation from the outside by penetrating those who use these frontline scholars; It is possible to make the war open to outside interventions, just like in a kind of computer game.

In other respects; partnerships can be established quickly and cooperation procedures can be renewed decisively among these established partnerships; Despite the existence of many different issues in terms of political and working styles, governments and institutions can make quick decisions; the courage of global companies and institutions to intervene quickly and effectively; it is possible to control the accounting of all kinds of initiatives and sanctions.

Today; After the World Wars, the countries that became the subject of International Relations and became a flag on the world stage with their independence can change their positions; banks and corporate structures can easily take sides; Different structures rapidly develop a common understanding, as international law and customs may change later and should not constitute an obstacle to the next step. Ultimately, all of this reveals features that are sufficient to reframe the scene of determination and deterrence.

If we examine some taboos, certain examples can be given at the points that force the change. Like this: I am right in international law, no one can do anything to me! No, today this understanding has changed, common interests are focused on changing the world, there are those who believe that. I can easily defeat my enemy! No, the world today can be directly involved in the sort of problem that dictates what you have to fight. I have a lot of guns in my inventory, I’ll win anyway! No, quantities no longer matter; the global strategic approach began to shape the front according to itself; The approaches to be used for new and qualified verbs have determined success. It has been known for a long time that winning the war does not mean winning the real war. But today’s problems are much more complex: who engineered the war, which country and when the power will step in, who are the fighters, who aims what, what awaits, is it all war or something else, if it is a war, who determines the outcome? How will it determine the time?

Look, I’m not picky here, I know very well what it means to draw a conclusion by saying Russia and Ukraine. For this reason, after the election processes of American Democracy, which Vladimir Putin tried to influence, while Joe Biden and Donald Trump were fighting each other in the White House, I increased my writing on this subject, I gave you examples of the changes step by step. I drew attention to what we will deal with in the future and the forms of conflict in the world after 2035, at the stages when the effects of China’s development in our country were not yet drawn attention. This time, I made very basic and theoretical-based explanations here. I have repeatedly made explanations without counting the USA, Russia, China, Europe, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, Taiwan, Syria, Libya or the Atlantic, Pacific, North Pole, Africa, and without giving detailed examples. Because question them in the Political Center and you will find countless original articles.

There is a reason for me to make a theoretical explanation here: I want to put what I pointed out above as a template in a corner. Let’s try to be more cautious about how the situation will unfold with this template at the scale of each country, crisis region, potential conflict area, political and socio-economic approach change.

Look, I didn’t make a statement on definitions such as Intelligent Power, Full Spectrum War, Neomedieval War or Lucifer’s War, which I have mentioned a lot here. There is a reason for this: It is unknown who, when and for what purpose will apply them to the world or to a part of the world, rather than the developments in technology. Therefore, it would not be right to talk about the bindingness of known procedures when we are in a great obscurity, almost drifting, while the new normalization conditions specific to a new situation are imposed by uncertain foci in each uncertain time period.

But I say, for the wars of the new world or the struggle for supremacy, go with the names that are competent, do not be deceived by looking to the right and left! Because even the names used as if they are giving you information are at the service of someone. The number of people who think that I will mind my own business and get my money is increasing. It is also a nasty sick look from the unnamed viruses that will cause these epidemics. Don’t forget these.

Leadership is important in this environment. We’re back to humans! The cure for humanity is once again in a person. When it comes to leadership, I have a lot to say, but at this stage, keep it in mind.

NOTE: Due to intellectual property rights, you can use this information by reference.

Gursel Tokmakoglu

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