
11 Aralık 2013

Bireyin Gücü

Kime güveneceğiz? Bu sorunun cevabına bazı kavramların üzerinden giderek ulaşacağız. Saf Hüner, Görünür Strateji, Özel Yaşam, Güvenilir Rehber, Güven İklimi kavramlarını inceleyeceğiz. Sonuçta Bireyin Gücünü vurgulayacağız. Saf Hüner Biliniyordu… Söylenmişti… Yazılmıştı… Öteden beri söylenegelenlerin doğru çıktığını edebi şekilde açıklamak mı hüner, “Gerçek bu!” deyip
6 Nisan 2022

Neo-Medieval War

Day 42 of the Ukrainian-Russian War. Death stalks… How is the real
20 Şubat 2022

Ukraine Crisis

Where are we as of today on the Ukraine issue? Let's evaluate

European Security or Ukraine Crisis?

21 Şubat 2022
10 mins read
The Ukraine crisis and the security of Europe are intertwined. The most important topic here is the nuclear threat. It is not possible for us to accurately explain the positions of neither the US and Russia nor other parties without understanding the interrelationship of important issues of this strategic value.

Information Warfare

15 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
During the Ukraine crisis, there was an intense information war. Here the issue of provocation came to the fore. As great powers, the USA and Russia systematically used the media for their own benefit. In fact, let's examine this systematic by looking at the topics and methods we know, but with updated concepts and methods. Because, no matter where it rains, if every individual is a media organ in our age, provocation should also be on his agenda.

The Door of the Agreement Has Been Opened

14 Şubat 2022
4 mins read
The President of the United States of America Joe Biden and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin spoke by phone the other day. This conversation, in a very balanced tone between them, lasted about an hour and ended with expressions of satisfaction. Short explanations followed. But it is interesting that although the USA and Russia agreed on certain issues, the world media ignored them. However, I will explain to you the interview and the main positions on certain issues. I will state the important details of the next steps to be taken. This is a guide for the Ukraine crisis and Europe's security architecture.

Putin Doctrine

30 Ocak 2022
8 mins read
In this article, you will find clues about the security guarantees given by the USA to Russia, the Putin Doctrine, the Eurasian Economic Union project, the importance of Ukraine, the idea of ​​the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Helsinki Declaration. We will evaluate what we should understand when you read all these together.

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