16 Aralık 2022


Baykar'ın Muharip İnsansız Uçak Sistemi Kızılelma'nın ilk uçuşu gerçekleşti ve hemen dünya

Güncel Bölgesel Roller ve Türkiye Dış Politikası

15 Nisan 2022
3 mins read
Ukrayna Savaşı belirleyici olmaya aday bir çok sonucu ortaya çıkaracak ve bizler bunları tartışmaya devam edeceğiz. Somut şekilde görüldü ki Türkiye, bölgesel istikrar mücadelesi ve barış yolunu açan gayretleriyle, önemli bir misyonu temsil etmektedir. Ancak diğer ülkeler ne durumda, bunlara da kısaca göz atalım.

What Did the Russian Ministry of Defense Say and What Didn’t Say?

26 Mart 2022
5 mins read
Finally, Russia began to give hints of what it wanted to do. But when? It's been a month since the war started, they also admitted that they couldn't get what they wanted, giving the world a message like "I made a plan in stages, the first stage was completed". They have good reasons for themselves, but from the beginning, I wrote, "I would have done this". A month of lost time for Russia! So who lost? Russia; but basically the world. Are there any winners?

Is Russia Losing in Ukraine According to the Principles of War?

24 Mart 2022
6 mins read
A month has passed since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. The operation (name unknown!) has been seen for a while, it is clear that it did not go as planned by Russia. Even though the Russian troops were still on certain pieces of land in the south, east and north, the Russians could not achieve military results that could be shown in accordance with the war principles. There are very important problems, it would not be wrong to say that it is not compatible with the art of military service. There is still no result that gives the impression of being captured, won, accomplished in a certain way. Why so? What is the military explanation for this?

Şansölye Scholz

15 Mart 2022
4 mins read
Almanya'nın yeni Şansölyesi Olaf Scholz, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ı bir günlük ziyaret etmek için Türkiye'ye geldi. Yapılan basın toplantısından anladıklarımı sizinle paylaşmak isterim.

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