Ukraine War

3 Mart 2022

Analysis of Russia’s Ukraine War

What is happening on the Ukrainian front? Let's look more at the tactical and operational situation. Let's explain what Russia's possible action plan might look like. Let's point out the weaknesses and advantages. Let's give an evaluation of the operation so that we have
12 Nisan 2022

Lucifer’s War

I will tell you about Lucifer's War. The timeline is roughly as

Post-Ukraine and the Long War

10 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
Let's evaluate the Ukraine War, which Russia calls "Special Operation", in the general framework as of the 46th day. We can more or less understand what's going on here. However, as I read, it will be seen that towards the end of the article, I will open the near and medium-term future for discussion. What will Russia, in other words, Putin think, in the near term? What kind of tension will the world experience in the medium term, what does Post-Ukraine expect?

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