
5 Mayıs 2016

Google Sürücüsüz Otomobil Teknolojisi ve Türkiye

Robot otomobil bir “otonom (veya özerk) teknoloji” konusu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Halen bu tip “otonom” veya “yarı-otonom” teknoloji ile tasarlanmış sürücüsüz robot araçların testleri devam etmektedir. Diğer yandan sürücüsüz otomobillerin seri üretimi için de çalışmalar devam ediyor. Başı çeken firmalar Google ve Tesla. Öncelikle
25 Nisan 2022

Gerçeklik Ötesi

Gerçeklik Ötesi (post-truth) ile ilgilenmeden bunun içinde yaşamayı sürdürmek çağımızın kurtlu doku
25 Ocak 2023

Stratejik Dönüm Noktası

Rusya’nın 18 Ocak 2023 Dnipro saldırısından bugüne hangi gelişmeler oldu? Önümüzdeki günlerde
15 Nisan 2022

Moskva Kruvazörü

Ukrayna, Odessa’da, Yılan Adası açıklarındaki Rus donanma güçlerinden Amiral Gemisi Slava Sınıfı

Ukraine War (D50) Evaluation

15 Nisan 2022
11 mins read
I stated that I would continue to monitor the war between Ukraine and Russia in terms of "operational objectives" by updating them in a certain format. This is the fifth report after the most recent release, in the form of the G50 report covering 4-14 April 2022. This report, prepared in 10-day periods, is unique in its field with its analytical information, presenting the war in both detail and as a whole, explaining the issues related to what will happen, and containing correct, accurate and necessary information. The report contains important questions and important answers.

Lucifer’s War

12 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
I will tell you about Lucifer's War. The timeline is roughly as follows: In 2008, there is the wave of Global Economic Crisis (Lehman Brothers), the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Ukraine War, there is already the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the subject of Climate Change… After 2021, there is a power struggle on the Silk Road. I just reminded them as touchstones. What I'm going to tell you is that the concept of the Long War, which is often mentioned by US leaders, includes what is inside. In the future people will wage a Neo-Medieval War.

Post-Ukraine and the Long War

10 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
Let's evaluate the Ukraine War, which Russia calls "Special Operation", in the general framework as of the 46th day. We can more or less understand what's going on here. However, as I read, it will be seen that towards the end of the article, I will open the near and medium-term future for discussion. What will Russia, in other words, Putin think, in the near term? What kind of tension will the world experience in the medium term, what does Post-Ukraine expect?

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