Hard Power

1 Haziran 2021

Akıllı Güç

ABD’nin küresel üstünlüğü tartışılıyordu ve Joseph S. Nye 2005 yılında etraflıca yazdı, Yumuşak Güç (Soft Power) bahsini ve sonra anlaşıldı ki Sert Güç (Hard Power) kadar etkili. 2021 yılı itibarıyla işbaşına gelen ABD Başkanı Joe Biden Yönetimi açıkladı, bu yöntemlerin her ikisinin de toplamı
26 Şubat 2021

ABD, Yunanistan ve Türkiye

Son günlerde ABD-Yunanistan yakınlaşması karşısında ABD-Türkiye ilişkileri geriliyor mu sorusu merkezinde çeşitli
26 Nisan 2022

Global Domination

While the Russia-Ukraine War is taking place, we open up for discussion

What Did the Russian Ministry of Defense Say and What Didn’t Say?

26 Mart 2022
5 mins read
Finally, Russia began to give hints of what it wanted to do. But when? It's been a month since the war started, they also admitted that they couldn't get what they wanted, giving the world a message like "I made a plan in stages, the first stage was completed". They have good reasons for themselves, but from the beginning, I wrote, "I would have done this". A month of lost time for Russia! So who lost? Russia; but basically the world. Are there any winners?

Russia as a Target of Global Strategic Isolation

7 Mart 2022
5 mins read
Discussions have grown and are focusing on the possibility of a Third World War. Spreading fear before such a war breaks out is another argument. However, looking at the developments, while the Ukraine War was taking place, there was an unfamiliar Global Economic War. Today, I am taking this issue one step further, I have passed the Economic War, the USA and its Partners are following a method that directly targets the National Power elements in a way that will provide a global and strategic effect to Russia. I named it Global Strategic Isolation.

The Main Rivalry 

23 Şubat 2022
6 mins read
We were aware from the beginning that this issue was not a Ukraine Crisis. This is the biggest issue after the Second World War. The main rivalry is between the USA and Russia. Now I'm going to explain to you in a very short run, by just covering the headlines, what this high risk can mean. There is a risk here, and it's called the New Cold War. This article is at least a guide for you to follow the next developments easily, you will be able to develop your own thoughts by placing the stones in the right places.

Deter or War

12 Şubat 2022
2 mins read
The White House and Western media are ringing war bells. They're beating the bell faster so everyone can hear, the trolls are engaged too. Kiev assembled the war cabinet. Those who escalate, say, "There may even be a nuclear war." Russia conducts exercises on the borders of Ukraine and Belarus; but that was obvious.

Putin Doctrine

30 Ocak 2022
8 mins read
In this article, you will find clues about the security guarantees given by the USA to Russia, the Putin Doctrine, the Eurasian Economic Union project, the importance of Ukraine, the idea of ​​the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Helsinki Declaration. We will evaluate what we should understand when you read all these together.

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