
6 Mayıs 2022

Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşının Durum Değerlendirmesi (G70)

Ukrayna ve Rusya arasındaki savaşın "harekât hedefleri" yönüyle takibini belli bir formatta güncelleyerek sürdüreceğimi ifade etmiştim. En son yayımlanandan sonra bu 24 Nisan - 4 Mayıs 2022’yi kapsayan G70 raporu şeklinde, beşinci rapordur. Bu 10’ar günlük periyodlarla hazırlanan rapor, analitik bilgileriyle, savaşa hem ayrıntıyla hem bütün
6 Nisan 2022

Neo-Medieval War

Day 42 of the Ukrainian-Russian War. Death stalks… How is the real

Donbass and Mariupol

19 Nisan 2022
3 mins read
The war between Ukraine and Russia continues with all its heat. Mariupol and Donbass Operations are the hot topics these days. It seems that the real battles will continue in Donbass. Even next month's prominent topic will be Donbass. Let's review the second phase of the operation, which Russia calls "Special Operations", as of this last week, in terms of land, air and naval forces, with its important developments.

Ukraine War (D50) Evaluation

15 Nisan 2022
11 mins read
I stated that I would continue to monitor the war between Ukraine and Russia in terms of "operational objectives" by updating them in a certain format. This is the fifth report after the most recent release, in the form of the G50 report covering 4-14 April 2022. This report, prepared in 10-day periods, is unique in its field with its analytical information, presenting the war in both detail and as a whole, explaining the issues related to what will happen, and containing correct, accurate and necessary information. The report contains important questions and important answers.

Post-Ukraine and the Long War

10 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
Let's evaluate the Ukraine War, which Russia calls "Special Operation", in the general framework as of the 46th day. We can more or less understand what's going on here. However, as I read, it will be seen that towards the end of the article, I will open the near and medium-term future for discussion. What will Russia, in other words, Putin think, in the near term? What kind of tension will the world experience in the medium term, what does Post-Ukraine expect?

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