The United States

28 Ocak 2022

Major Fracture Procedures

We continued to talk about Ukraine today, and we will talk about it tomorrow. These are the current issues… The main thing to keep in mind is about the big fracture (break). If we reach the 2040s without seeing this big break, without looking at
20 Şubat 2022

Ukraine Crisis

Where are we as of today on the Ukraine issue? Let's evaluate
5 Şubat 2022

Strategic Deterrence

We are going through major military strategic and historical rewriting changes. If

Why Didn’t Russia Advance in the War?

20 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
We continue to make our original critiques on the War of Russia and Ukraine within the framework of War Science, whenever possible. This time I will make a combat-oriented analysis. I will reveal how Ukraine is resisting, why Russia is losing energy and time.

Ukraine War (D50) Evaluation

15 Nisan 2022
11 mins read
I stated that I would continue to monitor the war between Ukraine and Russia in terms of "operational objectives" by updating them in a certain format. This is the fifth report after the most recent release, in the form of the G50 report covering 4-14 April 2022. This report, prepared in 10-day periods, is unique in its field with its analytical information, presenting the war in both detail and as a whole, explaining the issues related to what will happen, and containing correct, accurate and necessary information. The report contains important questions and important answers.

Turkey is Right in Defense

7 Nisan 2022
4 mins read
Yesterday, the letter of the US State Department to Congress was spoken. He says that F-16s should be given to Turkey, because it is in the interests of the USA and would be beneficial for NATO. F-16s were already produced as an intermediate formula. The main issue was the removal of Turkey from the F-35 program. I think you should not leave the lost without getting it back! First, the United States should reintroduce Turkey into the F-35 program, then Turkey should consider what to buy or not. Because time has revealed that Turkey is right, I do not accept that the American Senators, who have been operating against Turkey for a long time, dismiss the issue with this intermediate formula without an apology.

Sobriety in Ukraine

3 Şubat 2022
4 mins read
Let me say that the USA and Russia should move forward in the Ukraine issue by considering their own risks. They must choose to be restrained. This could be called a policy of strategic restraint.

Putin Doctrine

30 Ocak 2022
8 mins read
In this article, you will find clues about the security guarantees given by the USA to Russia, the Putin Doctrine, the Eurasian Economic Union project, the importance of Ukraine, the idea of ​​the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Helsinki Declaration. We will evaluate what we should understand when you read all these together.

Geostrategy, Alliance and Determination

26 Ocak 2022
3 mins read
In this article, we will consider a very fundamental topic of discussion regarding the Ukraine crisis. This debate continues both in the military and in politics. Will the alliance work for the Ukraine crisis, which has developed as a global issue? Will the determination of the Allies or the determination of Russia prevail? Let's deal with this issue in terms of conceptual and balances in the field.

War Without Warning

25 Ocak 2022
5 mins read
In this article, it will be explained that the systematic known as war warnings and cautions, which develops due to the change of war and global competition, has become invisible. As an example, the Ukraine crisis will be mentioned. Let's think about it, there is no need to declare a war or conflict for a while, we are already in a war. But we have different forms of this kind of war or conflict. The transitions between war or peace, conflict and agreement are very uncertain.

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