Kyiv - Page 2

14 Mart 2022

Russia’s Plan

I will present to you Russia's possible Ukraine Plan of Operation. Almost everyone is asking how the Ukraine-Russia War will unfold, or looking for the kind of answer that will most likely happen.
6 Nisan 2022

Neo-Medieval War

Day 42 of the Ukrainian-Russian War. Death stalks… How is the real

Biden’s Long War Strategy and Ukraine

30 Mart 2022
7 mins read
One of the most notable phrases uttered by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, who gave a speech in Warsaw with historical emphasis, is the Long War. We are in an age where the concept of war changes a lot. This Ukraine-Russia War is an example in terms of clarifying the methods between those who are in the military field and those who are fighting for dominance in global values.

Russia-Ukraine Istanbul Meeting

29 Mart 2022
3 mins read
Turkey's positive and constructive efforts to stop the Ukraine-Russian War, to reach a ceasefire and to achieve lasting peace are continuing in Istanbul. First, on March 10, Foreign Ministers of both countries Kuleba and Lavrov met in Antalya. Subsequently, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu visited both sides on-site, this Istanbul meeting call was made and accepted. Today (March 29) the first meeting concluded with a positive result. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that there will be no meeting tomorrow (March 30). Interviews may continue in another format and after preparation on the date. However, the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia from the West continue. Let's look at today's developments and their meaning.

What Did the Russian Ministry of Defense Say and What Didn’t Say?

26 Mart 2022
5 mins read
Finally, Russia began to give hints of what it wanted to do. But when? It's been a month since the war started, they also admitted that they couldn't get what they wanted, giving the world a message like "I made a plan in stages, the first stage was completed". They have good reasons for themselves, but from the beginning, I wrote, "I would have done this". A month of lost time for Russia! So who lost? Russia; but basically the world. Are there any winners?

Is Russia Losing in Ukraine According to the Principles of War?

24 Mart 2022
6 mins read
A month has passed since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. The operation (name unknown!) has been seen for a while, it is clear that it did not go as planned by Russia. Even though the Russian troops were still on certain pieces of land in the south, east and north, the Russians could not achieve military results that could be shown in accordance with the war principles. There are very important problems, it would not be wrong to say that it is not compatible with the art of military service. There is still no result that gives the impression of being captured, won, accomplished in a certain way. Why so? What is the military explanation for this?

Situation Assessment of the Ukraine-Russia War (G+20)

18 Mart 2022
6 mins read
I stated that I would continue to monitor the war between Ukraine and Russia in terms of "operational objectives" by updating them in a certain format. After the published G+10 (Ukraine-Russia War Situation Assessment), this is the second in the form of a G+20 report. This time, we will be able to see the progress better with the comparative table. This analytical study is unique in its field in our country.

Ukraine-Russia War Report

5 Mart 2022
5 mins read
(March 5) We continue to watch the war between Ukraine and Russia. What you will read will create an important archive containing the military, strategic and political issues of this period, in which we witnessed historical times.

Ukraine-Russia War Situation Assessment 

5 Mart 2022
4 mins read
I will continue to monitor the war between Ukraine and Russia in terms of "operational objectives" by updating it in the format below. It is a format prepared to explain this situation and an evaluation of the values reached according to the analyzes made. It is an analytical work, a course for those working in this field. However, what is wanted to be given here in essence with this analysis is about the course of the Ukraine War and the impact of global sanctions. By looking at the updates here, you will be able to get an idea of ​​the overall evaluation and development results.

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