28 Ocak 2022

Major Fracture Procedures

We continued to talk about Ukraine today, and we will talk about it tomorrow. These are the current issues… The main thing to keep in mind is about the big fracture (break). If we reach the 2040s without seeing this big break, without looking at
28 Şubat 2022


Before that, I shared dozens of strategic-vision articles with you. For a

Will Russia Begin Third Phase of Special Operations in Ukraine?

31 Mayıs 2022
7 mins read
For Putin, who will level his progress in Donbas in the coming days, the message "this is over" will be given to Zelensky in some form. Zelensky will look in the face of the USA and its Partners, "What should I answer?" At Davos, Kissinger had the answer! If Zelensky does not understand this, Putin's army will be in Ukraine for a while. The additional operation related to this will be explained as the third phase.

Post-Ukraine and the Long War

10 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
Let's evaluate the Ukraine War, which Russia calls "Special Operation", in the general framework as of the 46th day. We can more or less understand what's going on here. However, as I read, it will be seen that towards the end of the article, I will open the near and medium-term future for discussion. What will Russia, in other words, Putin think, in the near term? What kind of tension will the world experience in the medium term, what does Post-Ukraine expect?

Biden’s Long War Strategy and Ukraine

30 Mart 2022
7 mins read
One of the most notable phrases uttered by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, who gave a speech in Warsaw with historical emphasis, is the Long War. We are in an age where the concept of war changes a lot. This Ukraine-Russia War is an example in terms of clarifying the methods between those who are in the military field and those who are fighting for dominance in global values.

Russia-Ukraine Istanbul Meeting

29 Mart 2022
3 mins read
Turkey's positive and constructive efforts to stop the Ukraine-Russian War, to reach a ceasefire and to achieve lasting peace are continuing in Istanbul. First, on March 10, Foreign Ministers of both countries Kuleba and Lavrov met in Antalya. Subsequently, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu visited both sides on-site, this Istanbul meeting call was made and accepted. Today (March 29) the first meeting concluded with a positive result. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that there will be no meeting tomorrow (March 30). Interviews may continue in another format and after preparation on the date. However, the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia from the West continue. Let's look at today's developments and their meaning.

Lavrov and Kuleba were in Antalya

10 Mart 2022
4 mins read
This year's Antalya Diplomatic Forum addressed a special issue. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Ukraine at war, Lavrov and Kuleba, met. Bilateral and trilateral meetings were held with Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. Later, at separate press conferences, the parties, which gave a message to the world media, neither hoped nor found, and had the opportunity to explain them. I watched these meetings with members of the press and tried to contribute with my comments. Without writing details here, I will share my thoughts with you, within the framework of what I understand, by pointing out the future in terms of this war and after, and including Turkey in this.

Russia as a Target of Global Strategic Isolation

7 Mart 2022
5 mins read
Discussions have grown and are focusing on the possibility of a Third World War. Spreading fear before such a war breaks out is another argument. However, looking at the developments, while the Ukraine War was taking place, there was an unfamiliar Global Economic War. Today, I am taking this issue one step further, I have passed the Economic War, the USA and its Partners are following a method that directly targets the National Power elements in a way that will provide a global and strategic effect to Russia. I named it Global Strategic Isolation.

Strategic Deterrence

5 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
We are going through major military strategic and historical rewriting changes. If we, as military strategists, do not make the necessary grades in such important periods of time, it would mean a great deficiency. What happened within the framework of the Ukraine crisis reminded us once again of a well-known concept, deterrence. How does this deterrence strategy work? Since the parameters of time, space and force are essential in a military strategy, it is essential that this is constantly considered. Since deterrence is also a strategy, it is an art.

Sobriety in Ukraine

3 Şubat 2022
4 mins read
Let me say that the USA and Russia should move forward in the Ukraine issue by considering their own risks. They must choose to be restrained. This could be called a policy of strategic restraint.

Putin Doctrine

30 Ocak 2022
8 mins read
In this article, you will find clues about the security guarantees given by the USA to Russia, the Putin Doctrine, the Eurasian Economic Union project, the importance of Ukraine, the idea of ​​the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Helsinki Declaration. We will evaluate what we should understand when you read all these together.

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