War - Page 3

28 Ocak 2022

Major Fracture Procedures

We continued to talk about Ukraine today, and we will talk about it tomorrow. These are the current issues… The main thing to keep in mind is about the big fracture (break). If we reach the 2040s without seeing this big break, without looking at
14 Mart 2022

Russia’s Plan

I will present to you Russia's possible Ukraine Plan of Operation. Almost
6 Nisan 2022

Neo-Medieval War

Day 42 of the Ukrainian-Russian War. Death stalks… How is the real

Tug of War Game in Ukraine

11 Mart 2022
6 mins read
This is a topic that has come to light; growing countries, powers, demands for hegemony are on the one hand, securing the security demands of countries, societies and people on the other. Any situation where this cannot be achieved harms humanity, existing systems need to be changed. I will explain this great dilemma to you in the dimension of the Ukrainian War.

Lavrov and Kuleba were in Antalya

10 Mart 2022
4 mins read
This year's Antalya Diplomatic Forum addressed a special issue. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Ukraine at war, Lavrov and Kuleba, met. Bilateral and trilateral meetings were held with Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. Later, at separate press conferences, the parties, which gave a message to the world media, neither hoped nor found, and had the opportunity to explain them. I watched these meetings with members of the press and tried to contribute with my comments. Without writing details here, I will share my thoughts with you, within the framework of what I understand, by pointing out the future in terms of this war and after, and including Turkey in this.

Ukraine-Russia War Report

5 Mart 2022
5 mins read
(March 5) We continue to watch the war between Ukraine and Russia. What you will read will create an important archive containing the military, strategic and political issues of this period, in which we witnessed historical times.

Information Warfare

15 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
During the Ukraine crisis, there was an intense information war. Here the issue of provocation came to the fore. As great powers, the USA and Russia systematically used the media for their own benefit. In fact, let's examine this systematic by looking at the topics and methods we know, but with updated concepts and methods. Because, no matter where it rains, if every individual is a media organ in our age, provocation should also be on his agenda.

Deter or War

12 Şubat 2022
2 mins read
The White House and Western media are ringing war bells. They're beating the bell faster so everyone can hear, the trolls are engaged too. Kiev assembled the war cabinet. Those who escalate, say, "There may even be a nuclear war." Russia conducts exercises on the borders of Ukraine and Belarus; but that was obvious.

Strategic Deterrence

5 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
We are going through major military strategic and historical rewriting changes. If we, as military strategists, do not make the necessary grades in such important periods of time, it would mean a great deficiency. What happened within the framework of the Ukraine crisis reminded us once again of a well-known concept, deterrence. How does this deterrence strategy work? Since the parameters of time, space and force are essential in a military strategy, it is essential that this is constantly considered. Since deterrence is also a strategy, it is an art.

The War for Hegemony

4 Şubat 2022
5 mins read
I will explain to you the form of war or struggle for supremacy of our age and the terms used here as a whole, with the example of Ukraine. It is an article that should be noted from an academic point of view. It sheds light on understanding what is happening globally as a whole. If such a point of view is taken, a healthy assessment can be made about what will happen in the future. Because right now, many people act with the mindset of the First and Second World Wars. However, the Fourth Industrial Revolution happened, everything, even the hegemonic perspectives changed, the rivals of the Cold War were the USSR and the USA, then we had the Unipolar World period, and on top of that, today China has upset all the balances. As a matter of fact, NATO 2030 was published, the USA announced its 2040 vision… The Arctic region was opened to trade, cyber-space was opened to all kinds of uses… In this tactic, is the main problem for today's dominant powers Ukraine or Syria? What is the practice of polarizations now with a global perspective that is appropriate for our age? Let me explain.

Hybrid Warfare

1 Şubat 2022
8 mins read
The current style of warfare can be described under the heading Full Spectrum Warfare. Hybrid Warfare method is widely used in this. Hybrid War is continued in the struggle for supremacy between the forces in peace conditions. The Russians also call it Non-Linear Warfare. There is Non-Linear Warfare in the Hybrid Warfare method developed with the General Geresmov Doctini. They named the war that the Russians practiced in Ukraine as Hybrid War. This statement has been accepted by the US, European and NATO authorities today.

Geostrategy, Alliance and Determination

26 Ocak 2022
3 mins read
In this article, we will consider a very fundamental topic of discussion regarding the Ukraine crisis. This debate continues both in the military and in politics. Will the alliance work for the Ukraine crisis, which has developed as a global issue? Will the determination of the Allies or the determination of Russia prevail? Let's deal with this issue in terms of conceptual and balances in the field.

War Without Warning

25 Ocak 2022
5 mins read
In this article, it will be explained that the systematic known as war warnings and cautions, which develops due to the change of war and global competition, has become invisible. As an example, the Ukraine crisis will be mentioned. Let's think about it, there is no need to declare a war or conflict for a while, we are already in a war. But we have different forms of this kind of war or conflict. The transitions between war or peace, conflict and agreement are very uncertain.

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