
6 Mayıs 2014

Onurlu Olmak

Bu yazı FETÖ’cülerin mesihçi aklına karşı, hatta bu doğrultuda giderek mankurtlaşan (sözde) askerlerin haline ve yapmak istediklerine tepki olarak yazıldı. FETÖ veya başka türlü konuyu din temelinde tutarak kendine bir vazife çıkarıp terörist olanları düşünerek okuyalım lütfen. Olanlar ve iddialar şaka değil, tam bir

İstihbaratın Gücünü Taşımak

16 Ocak 2024
4 mins read
Güvenlik konularında yeni akademiler açılıyor ve gençler buralarda yer alacaklar. Onlara kısa kısa söyleyeceklerim var: Tahmin İstihbaratı, Bilimin Gücü, Kavramların Gücü, Sistemin Gücü, Liderliğin Gücü, Gücü Taşımak ve rekabette Üstün Olmak... Bu çarpıcı ilişkiyi kendi tecrübeme dayalı bir şekilde açıklayacağım.

İstihbarat Kültürü

5 Ocak 2024
4 mins read
İstihbarat nedir, ne değildir, zaman zaman yazıyorum ve konuşmalarım da oluyor. Bugün de yazma ihtiyacı duydum. Zira istihbarat alanında ülkemiz çok önemli gelişmeler kat ediyorken, bu konuda kaş yaparken göz çıkaranlar olmasın isterim.

Putin Closer to Peace

2 Mayıs 2022
3 mins read
In the following processes, the issue of whether very basic questions have actually been realized in the Ukraine-Russia War will come to the fore. In terms of the dominant powers, I made a comprehensive comparison of Russia and NATO, which it sees as its concrete enemy (NATO includes the USA and its Partners). Here I have identified four key questions for an analysis. I examined the identified basic questions with Bayesian analysis methods. Based on this analysis, I came to some conclusions. I will give you only the conclusion part of the analysis in order not to disturb the integrity of the subject.

Revolution and Politics

29 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
From whatever angle we look at the rivalry between the USA and Russia, and the hostility in a further step, we will make the most accurate and comprehensive explanation. Where does the Ukraine issue fit into this hostility?

Is Russia’s Plan of Operation Wrong?

27 Nisan 2022
4 mins read
How to make an action plan? What were Russia's shortcomings and mistakes? What developed during the phases of the operation? What stage has the operation reached? What to expect next? What impact does the United States, its Partners, NATO have on warfare? A detailed analysis of the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Decision Time for Ukraine

25 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
In this article, I will give some procedural explanations. By doing so, I will be able to clarify for you the situation that affects the outcome of this operation between Ukraine and Russia. The situation on the Joe Biden side is more understandable. Besides, I am one of the most revealing of the capacity used by the USA and its Partners in this war with their real intentions so far. But if the situation is explained comparatively, it will be seen that it will not be difficult to understand Vladimir Putin's options.

How Putin Views the War with Ukraine

24 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
From the day of February 24 to April 24, the main lines of the war are seen in this flow. The Ukrainian army forced the Russian army to retreat. The Russian army began evacuating the Kyiv, Sumy and Chernihiv regions between 25 March and 5 April. He considered this (April 6-12) necessary for reorganization and concentrating on the targets he had clarified. After that he headed for Donbass and Mariupol. He took Mariupol, the last settlement in the Sea of ​​Azov, on April 21. He wants to control the Dnieper watershed by moving north from Kherson. In this sense, the operation continues in the Zaporizhzhia region, albeit to a limited extent. It is increasing its measures in order not to lose Kherson to Ukraine again. It is not yet possible for the operation to progress towards the west, to the north of Odessa.

Why Didn’t Russia Advance in the War?

20 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
We continue to make our original critiques on the War of Russia and Ukraine within the framework of War Science, whenever possible. This time I will make a combat-oriented analysis. I will reveal how Ukraine is resisting, why Russia is losing energy and time.

Ukraine War (D50) Evaluation

15 Nisan 2022
11 mins read
I stated that I would continue to monitor the war between Ukraine and Russia in terms of "operational objectives" by updating them in a certain format. This is the fifth report after the most recent release, in the form of the G50 report covering 4-14 April 2022. This report, prepared in 10-day periods, is unique in its field with its analytical information, presenting the war in both detail and as a whole, explaining the issues related to what will happen, and containing correct, accurate and necessary information. The report contains important questions and important answers.

Lucifer’s War

12 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
I will tell you about Lucifer's War. The timeline is roughly as follows: In 2008, there is the wave of Global Economic Crisis (Lehman Brothers), the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Ukraine War, there is already the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the subject of Climate Change… After 2021, there is a power struggle on the Silk Road. I just reminded them as touchstones. What I'm going to tell you is that the concept of the Long War, which is often mentioned by US leaders, includes what is inside. In the future people will wage a Neo-Medieval War.

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