Zelensky - Page 4

28 Ocak 2022

Major Fracture Procedures

We continued to talk about Ukraine today, and we will talk about it tomorrow. These are the current issues… The main thing to keep in mind is about the big fracture (break). If we reach the 2040s without seeing this big break, without looking at

Is Russia’s Plan of Operation Wrong?

27 Nisan 2022
4 mins read
How to make an action plan? What were Russia's shortcomings and mistakes? What developed during the phases of the operation? What stage has the operation reached? What to expect next? What impact does the United States, its Partners, NATO have on warfare? A detailed analysis of the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Rusya’nın Eksik Operasyon Planı

27 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
Bir harekat planı nasıl yapılır? Rusya'nın eksikleri ve yanlışları nelerdi? Harekatın safhalarında neler gelişti? Harekatta hangi aşamaya gelindi? Bundan sonra ne olması beklenir? ABD, Ortakları, NATO savaşta ne tür etkilere sahip? Ukrayna ve Rusya arasındaki savaşa ilişkin ayrıntılı bir analiz.

Decision Time for Ukraine

25 Nisan 2022
5 mins read
In this article, I will give some procedural explanations. By doing so, I will be able to clarify for you the situation that affects the outcome of this operation between Ukraine and Russia. The situation on the Joe Biden side is more understandable. Besides, I am one of the most revealing of the capacity used by the USA and its Partners in this war with their real intentions so far. But if the situation is explained comparatively, it will be seen that it will not be difficult to understand Vladimir Putin's options.

Biden’ın Kararı ve Putin’in Seçenekleri

25 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
Bu makalede biraz olsun prosedürlere dayalı açıklamalarda bulunacağım. Böyle yaparak size Ukrayna ve Rusya arasındaki bu harekatın sonucuna etki eden durumu netleştirebileceğim. Joe Biden tarafının durumu daha anlaşılırdır. Hem bugüne kadar bu savaşta ABD ve Ortaklarının asıl niyetleri ile kullandıkları kapasiteyi en fazla açıklayanlardanım. Fakat durum mukayeseli açıklanırsa görülecek ki, Vladimir Putin'in seçeneklerini anlamak çok zor olmayacak.

How Putin Views the War with Ukraine

24 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
From the day of February 24 to April 24, the main lines of the war are seen in this flow. The Ukrainian army forced the Russian army to retreat. The Russian army began evacuating the Kyiv, Sumy and Chernihiv regions between 25 March and 5 April. He considered this (April 6-12) necessary for reorganization and concentrating on the targets he had clarified. After that he headed for Donbass and Mariupol. He took Mariupol, the last settlement in the Sea of ​​Azov, on April 21. He wants to control the Dnieper watershed by moving north from Kherson. In this sense, the operation continues in the Zaporizhzhia region, albeit to a limited extent. It is increasing its measures in order not to lose Kherson to Ukraine again. It is not yet possible for the operation to progress towards the west, to the north of Odessa.

Phoenix Ghost

22 Nisan 2022
2 mins read
In this struggle for supremacy of the parties and their supporters in the Russia-Ukraine War, the technological search continues. With the natural effect of this situation, technology companies are taking concrete steps on new opportunities for themselves, the national defense spectrum and warring parties' solutions. One of the best examples in the war was Aevex Aerospace. The US Department of Defense supports such projects.

ABD Ukrayna’ya Yeni Teknoloji “Phoenix Ghost” Kamikaze Drone Veriyor

22 Nisan 2022
3 mins read
Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşı’nda tarafların ve destek verenlerin bu üstünlük mücadelesi içerisinde teknolojik arayış da sürüyor. Bu durumun doğal etkisiyle teknoloji şirketleri, kendileri, ulusal savunma yelpazesi ve savaşan tarafların çözümleri için yeni fırsatlar üzerine somut adımlar atıyorlar. Savaşta en iyi örneklerden biri Aevex Aerospace oldu. ABD Savunma Bakanlığı bu tür projeleri destekliyor.

Is Putin Unconvinced?

21 Nisan 2022
4 mins read
Russian troops took Mariupol. But this war is not over, as if it is not wanted to end. In this analysis; Mariupol issue, where is the new target of the Russians, the approaches of the USA and the UK who want to continue the war, the reactions of the Russian side, there is a warning from the Chinese President Xi, he expressed that he is not satisfied with the developments reminiscent of the Cold War. Finally, I will examine the peace efforts of Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.


21 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
Rusya birlikleri Mariupol’u aldılar. Ama bu savaş bitmedi, sanki bitsin de istenmiyor. Bu analizde; Mariupol konusu, Rusların yeni hedefinin neresi olduğu, savaşı sürdürmek isteyen ABD ve İngiltere’nin yaklaşımları ile Rusya tarafının verdiği tepkileri, Çin Devlet Başkanı Xİ’den bir uyarı var, yeniden Soğuk Savaş’ı çağrıştıran gelişmelerin olmasından memnun olmadığını ifade etti, bu hususu, son olarak Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun barış çabalarını inceleyeceğim.

Donbass and Mariupol

19 Nisan 2022
3 mins read
The war between Ukraine and Russia continues with all its heat. Mariupol and Donbass Operations are the hot topics these days. It seems that the real battles will continue in Donbass. Even next month's prominent topic will be Donbass. Let's review the second phase of the operation, which Russia calls "Special Operations", as of this last week, in terms of land, air and naval forces, with its important developments.

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