NATO’s Strategy

4 Mayıs 2022

The Russo-Ukrainian War continues. NATO has been involved in this war since its inception. But not actually, with the implementation of Strategic Smart Power. Members of the Western media have often sought to explore this strategy by asking Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. However, when they faced an “enemy” like Russia and an Eastern Europe Plan they had to accomplish, the answers to the questions could not be clearly understood.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s recent mission is global. His plans and efforts are also global. While looking at his enemies and competitive environments, he does not stay on one point, he chooses a path of advancement by considering all of them. As it became clear in NATO 2030, with this global vision, the Alliance continues its progress in areas and functions such as the Arctic region, China, Cyber-Space, and Technological progress.

Alliance members need NATO more and more today.

In NATO’s plan, which it pursues by considering the 2050s, there is an important enemy, an obstacle on its way to progress: Russia.

For a while, Russia was also interested in NATO, then the paths diverged, especially during the reign of Vladimir Putin, and again, the problems reached the line. The ties have been severed.

Russia gave NATO a historic advantage with its attack on Ukraine. NATO drew its line in this critical war in Eastern Europe and said, “This is my border, I will not fight Russia unless I enter here.”

NATO gives full support to Ukraine. The Russian side described Ukraine as a “proxy”. NATO against its enemy Russia; pressured, has various isolation practices and continues to act as a deterrent.

Loss in Ukraine and loss in Ukrainians is high! In this respect, even Westerners criticize NATO and its strategy (although they don’t call it a strategy).

What about Russia, the enemy country that stands as an important “obstacle” on the geopolitical line for NATO’s global mission? Its material damage is great, its local, regional and global prestige is disappearing, it is in a state that represents outdated ideas and practices, it is losing its Soft Power, and its head with global powers such as China and India is getting weaker. For NATO, such results are more than enough.

As long as this strategy does not lead to a great war, if it will, Russia should be accompanied by a very critical point so that it will be much easier to overthrow it!

NOTE: Due to intellectual property rights, you can use this information by reference.

Gursel Tokmakoglu

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