Smart Power

3 Nisan 2021

Ukrayna Krizi’ne Stratejik Bakış

Kırım, Donbas ve Ukrayna… Rusya ve Ukrayna karşılıklı olarak kendi sınırlarına asker yığıyorlar. Rusya'ya göre bu daha çatışmanın başlangıç safhası, Ukrayna gerisinde duran ABD Başkanı Biden ise stratejik kazanım elde etmek istiyor, Rusya'yı caydırmakla ilgileniyor, küresel bir hesap var. Ben stratejik bakış açısı ile
1 Haziran 2021

Akıllı Güç

ABD’nin küresel üstünlüğü tartışılıyordu ve Joseph S. Nye 2005 yılında etraflıca yazdı,
26 Şubat 2021

ABD, Yunanistan ve Türkiye

Son günlerde ABD-Yunanistan yakınlaşması karşısında ABD-Türkiye ilişkileri geriliyor mu sorusu merkezinde çeşitli
2 Temmuz 2020

Sağlam Demokrasi

Politik rekabet ortamının yeni aktörleri ve usulleri, küreselleşmenin etkileri, demokrasilere baskılar, Türkiye'de

Contactless War Instead of Cold War

30 Ocak 2023
2 mins read
The Cold War arose due to the nature of its era, was named, and was finally completed. Various ideas about the Cold War are being put forward today. In my opinion, various discussions can be made using that name - for example, Cold War 2 - but basically that page is closed. How Does?

Geopolitical Contraction

1 Temmuz 2022
5 mins read
There is talk of the new Cold War, there are those who call it the Cold War-2. Let's make a geopolitical determination based on the 2019-2035 global outlook. Of course, this is a geopolitical assessment, not a prediction of how the developments will turn out. I won't have an explanation to say whether there will be a war or not. If we take the projection in the way I am going to present it, we will understand that the issues that we can follow develop depending on the reasons that are built these days. Let's put it this way, no step is in vain.

Küresel Çaresizlik Sendromu

22 Mayıs 2022
7 mins read
Sizce Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Küresel Çaresizlik Sendromu’na mı tutuldu? Evet, ancak henüz bitmedi, bu etkili yöntemin domino etkisi sürecek! Başardım demek için önce stratejik başarı gerekir. Küçük düşünmemek gerekir. Mevzi üstünlükler kazanım gibi görünse de zafer değildir. ABD'nin, Küresel Çaresizlik Hastalığı konusunu bilmeksizin uluslararası sahada veya bölgelerinde politika yapanlar, bugün Putin dahi çaresizse, dünya nereye gittiğini bilmiyorsa, yarın ne olacağı hakkında net fikrin ne olduğu hakkında tereddüt varsa, insanlar paralize haldeyse, siz neyi anlatıyorsunuz?

NATO’s Strategy

4 Mayıs 2022
1 min read
The Russo-Ukrainian War continues. NATO has been involved in this war since its inception. But not actually, with the implementation of Strategic Smart Power. Members of the Western media have often sought to explore this strategy by asking Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. However, when they faced an "enemy" like Russia and an Eastern Europe Plan they had to accomplish, the answers to the questions could not be clearly understood.

Global Domination

26 Nisan 2022
6 mins read
While the Russia-Ukraine War is taking place, we open up for discussion many issues regarding the global struggle between the dominant powers. The essence of the theme, which I remind you at every opportunity, is about what is seen when viewed through the big window. I use this type of lens in this article as well; general picture and a forward-focused systematic perspective. It is the USA that stacks and develops experiences for gain and reflects what it has developed in the struggle for global dominance into its policies.

Biden’s Long War Strategy and Ukraine

30 Mart 2022
7 mins read
One of the most notable phrases uttered by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, who gave a speech in Warsaw with historical emphasis, is the Long War. We are in an age where the concept of war changes a lot. This Ukraine-Russia War is an example in terms of clarifying the methods between those who are in the military field and those who are fighting for dominance in global values.


28 Şubat 2022
11 mins read
Before that, I shared dozens of strategic-vision articles with you. For a long time, and from the time of the transition from the era of Donald Trump to the era of Joe Biden in the United States, I have given as much weight to the global changes that will occur. Today, in this period, we are faced with very important developments on a global scale in the context of the USA and Russia. In this article, I will explain the next period, its reasons and the thought patterns that will change in the context of "Post-Ukraine".

The Main Rivalry 

23 Şubat 2022
6 mins read
We were aware from the beginning that this issue was not a Ukraine Crisis. This is the biggest issue after the Second World War. The main rivalry is between the USA and Russia. Now I'm going to explain to you in a very short run, by just covering the headlines, what this high risk can mean. There is a risk here, and it's called the New Cold War. This article is at least a guide for you to follow the next developments easily, you will be able to develop your own thoughts by placing the stones in the right places.

Russia Under Pressure

1 Şubat 2022
4 mins read
The second phase of the Western strategy of Ukraine against Russia has been launched. The plan goals that the USA and Europe have implemented in order to improve the gains they have achieved so far are taking the next step. On the other hand Russia is considering its own chess move, will it take a queen or a pawn? Because the West provided fortification with its castles, horses and elephants and brought the game to a certain point.

Blinken Açıklıyor mu Ortalığı mı Karıştırıyor?

11 Mart 2021
5 mins read
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) Dışişleri Bakanı Antony Blinken Türkiye aleyhine olan ne varsa söylüyor, lehineymiş gibi söyledikleri ise aslında aldatmaca. İfadeler Türkiye'ye dayatılmak istenen bazı hususları kapsıyor. Bakın söylenenlerin tercümesi ne?

Yazı Arşivi